2018 MN fishing opener!

A couple weeks over due, but here it is! It was a very eventful opener where we went. With the new Northern regulations we ended up with 30 pike between 7 of us! And believe it or not, I was out fished! It was still fun and a nice day for it! We were using a verity of baits, from a plane hook or jig fashioned with a small Sucker to casting a crank bait (it seemed up by the dam they liked the fire tiger color.)

Now I know 30 pike seems like a lot of fish and what in the world would you do with them all. Well, I usually pickle them using Great grandpa’s recipe and when it’s ready I give jars to friends and family. Another method (if you don’t want to mess with bones) is we will be trying pike cakes. One of my favorite ways, though, is butter, lime, salt/pepper, a few onions, and a sprinkle of cilantro. Placed in an open fire (or oven/grill, depending on the season) and some diced taters for the side. There is always a way to cook pike and make it good!